The Academy In-The Academy In-Service Law Enforcement Program is designed to assist agencies in keeping personnel current with Continued Professional Training (CPT) and State and POST mandates for Perishable Skills training. South Bay has consistently offered assistance with POST certification of agency presented courses. In January 2002 POST implemented the Perishable Skills Program (PSP). This training requires all law enforcement personnel to complete a minimum of 18 hours of specific training within a 24-month period. PSP is comprised of 5 areas of training:
- Tactical Firearms 4 hour minimum
- Arrest & Control 4 hour minimum
- Driver Training & Awareness 4 hour minimum
- Use of Force/De-Escalation 4 hour minimum
- Strategic Communications 2 hour minimum
The Academy has developed a PSP Course that strictly adheres to the POST content requirements that can be delivered to all agencies within the Region. In addition, we have individual course certification to design instructional clusters to meet agency needs.
Our curriculum specialists are available to create EVOC, Defensive Tactics and Firearms courses tailored to individual agency needs that meet or exceed POST requirements for PSP and CPT credit.
The Academy is also the regional provider for mobile simulator training. Both the Driver Training Simulator and the Force Options Simulator are available for scheduled The Academy is also a regional provider for mobile simulator training. The Force Options Simulator is available for scheduled delivery to most any location. A four-hour class in the FOS simulator would only cover the Use of Force/De-Escalation PSP requirements. The Academy also has a POST certification for an eight-hour class FOS class, which covers the Use of Force/De-Escalation requirements as well as the two-hour Strategic Communications requirements.
For more information on the Perishable Skills Program, please contact Matt Ortega at mortega@theacademy.ca.gov, Perishable Skills Program Coordinator.
Upcoming Law Enforcement courses: