An Agency Training Manager who identifies a training need and acquires a current South Bay (ARTP) Approved Instructor of Record (IOR) to over see training delivery may request a course to be registered through South Bay. Follow the steps below to request a new course.
For detailed instructions on how to register a course with South Bay, refer to the Course Registration Tools.
Step A: Fill and complete the Fire Program Course Request Form
Fill, complete, and submit the Fire In-Service Course Request Form
- Must request course at least 45 days prior to course start date.
Training Manager must acquire a current South Bay (ARTP) APPROVED Instructor of Record (IOR) to oversee training delivery.
- INSTRUCTOR OF RECORD (IOR) REQUIREMENTS: The CA Community Colleges, per Title 5, require that an IOR be present, on site, or every course being registered through the colleges. IOR personnel must have an AA Degree or higher and be boarded with the community colleges. South Bay Fire Training staff has the IOR Contact Available for any agency requesting to have their degreed personnel boarded (recommended). IOR contact information must be provided.
Step B: Download, complete, and upload Course Roster
1) Download and complete the Course Roster (below).
- Agency Training Manager to provide: First/Last Name, DOB, and College ID #
- *Save a copy of your completed course roster, and refer back to it when you have final grades and completed hours. You will then upload the final course roster with final grades and hours in Step C.
2) Submit completed Course Roster
Step C: Upload Final Grades and Completed Hours
*In order to complete Step C, the Training Manager must have final grades and hours after the course is completed.
For a copy of your roster or for answers to any additional questions, contact the Fire Program Coordinator, Jeff Barton – jbarton@theacademy.ca.gov