The Academy is one of the largest trainers of public safety personnel in the State of California. We are now offering this specialized training to the community. With over 600 professionals available we can assess, prepare, deliver and evaluate your company’s needs to provide training, security, and safety to your site, employees, and customers.
For more information please contact:
Ed Flores
(408) 229-4245
Homeland Security Courses
Incident Command System (ICS)
Nationally recognized system for the on-scene structure of management-level positions suitable for directing any crisis incident. ICS is the method to provide a consistent Nationwide approach for federal, state, regional, and local governments to work together to prepare, prevent, respond to and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size or complexity.
First Responder Awareness (FRA)
FRA trained personnel are those whose employment requires them to respond to a release of chemical or hazardous material, recognize the situation as one requiring specialized assistance, and call for help. FRA is a component of the First Responder Operations training.
First Responder Operations (FRO)
Training for those who are required to be involved in emergency response to incidents where chemicals or hazardous materials are involved. This level of training is the foundation for all of the other response levels mandated by OSHA. The First Responder is the one who initially responds to the scene of the emergency and puts into effect actions to minimize the impact of the release and reduce the potential exposure of nearby persons, property, or the environment from the effects of the release.
First Responder Technician / Specialist
This highly intensive training (4-6 weeks) is for specialized responders who intervene to mitigate and neutralize an incident and take direct action to save lives and protect property. Typical examples include hazardous materials teams, explosives technicians, forensics identification specialists, and emergency medical services personnel.
Emergency Response Plans
Developing individual plans and protocols for your business or organization to plan for and respond to emergency situations to include the following:
- Define roles and responsibilities and chain of command for emergency management responses
- Coordinate the accurate and timely communications and dissemination of information.
- Develop procedures in responding to, mitigating and recovering from emergencies, natural disasters and acts of terrorism.
- Managing the coordination with local, state or federal response agencies.
Emergency Management System (SEMS)
The Standardized Emergency Management System is required by the state code under the Office of Emergency Services (OES) for managing responses to multi-agencies and multi-jurisdictional emergencies in California. SEMS facilitates the flow and coordination of information and resources between the different levels of responding agencies. SEMS works within the Incident Command System (ICS).
Hazardous Material Training
Provide aid and guidance in hazardous waste regulations, emergency response procedures, risk management, and the security, storage, and transportation of dangerous materials. We will assist in the organization, appraisal, and implementation of a preparedness plan following the local, state, and federal requirements.
Earthquake Preparedness
Developing preparedness plans for a major earthquake, maintaining company/employee readiness, and stocking of necessary first aid and other necessary supplies. Our emergency response experts will conduct an on-site inspection of the property and buildings to identify procedures in dealing with post-earthquake exit strategies, gas and water shut-off valves, hazardous waste and chemical storage facilities, and the coordination procedures with local and regional responding agencies.
Safety in the workplace (Critical Incidents)
Prepare, organize and train your employees for workplace violence or critical incident issues. Develop a plan in dealing with an active occurrence, coordination with security personnel and responding agencies, and the aftermath of a causality situation. Training can include crisis intervention and diffusion skills. Our professionals can develop a preparedness plan to deal with any situation. The circumstances of an event will dictate whether to flee and exit, hide or lock a door, and in some situations – how to fight back and survive.
National Incident Management System (NIMS)
NIMS includes these major components, which together provide a comprehensive approach to incident management. The components and their functions include:
- ICS: an on-scene structure of management-level positions suitable for managing any incident.
- Training: the development and delivery of training courses to meet local, state or federal requirements and guidelines.
- Certification: meeting the national standards for qualifications and certification for ICS positions.
- Support: provide technology and the resources systems used to support an emergency response.
Crisis Communication and the Media
Before a crisis occurs, we will assist in developing a comprehensive communications preparedness plan for all critical incidents. The plan will include establishing positive relationships with the media and local government agencies, tutoring identified leadership personnel in effective communication techniques, identifying specific message points and completing an assessment and trial of the completed communication system.

Community Education Courses
Crime prevention through environmental design has a basic principle that the proper design and effective use of the physical environment can reduce the crime rate and associated fear, thus improving the quality of life. There are four major strategies involved with CPTED:
- Natural Surveillance – the design concept directed specifically at keeping intruders easily observable. Promotes openness and visibility.
- Territorial Reinforcement – the proper physical design can create or extend a sense of influence and openness.
- Natural Access Control – the concept aimed specifically at decreasing crime opportunity by denying or restricting access to crime targets.
- Target Hardening – preventive entry solutions to prohibit and restrict access points and the protection of people and property.
Crime Prevention
Prevention is the first step. Are you prepared to protect your staff and visitors in a dangerous situation? Is your facility secure? We are a professional resource to assess your site and prepare recommendations on how to protect your business, prevent criminal activity, and respond to potentially hazardous situations. As the fourth largest trainer of emergency services in the state of California, we can provide working professionals to complete an assessment, identify probable target points, test the existing system, and train your personnel on how to respond to criminal activity.
Security Skills
Our assessments are directed towards a professional security force at your workplace. Training programs include personal and property protection, investigations, legal updates, report writing, and evidence collection. We also offer a wide range of defensive training, diffusion techniques, tactical responses to critical incidents, and the coordination with local emergency agencies
Home and Personal Safety
Our experts can evaluate your specific needs and provide the training and resources for personal protection at home or at the workplace. We can train your staff on how to respond to a hostile situation, how to protect themselves, minimize exposure, and take appropriate action following the incident.
Self Defense
Academy staff can provide personal safety training for your employees. Our experts have taught thousands of hours in personal protection to emergency personnel. We can tailor classes to teach defensive skills for employees or develop a program for control techniques for existing security forces. Our programs can be expanded to include weaponless defense and less than lethal defensive weapons including impact, pepper spray, taser and restraint devices. We also offer basic firearms training which complies with 832 of the California Penal Code. Training is conducted in the state of art indoor range and active shooter training in a high-tech mobile trailer.
Defensive Driving
The Academy owns a state-of-the-art, mobile driving simulator trailer. We can bring the training to your site and develop programs that are consistent with your driving needs. The Academy also offers actual driver training opportunities in vehicles and an operational skid car to master the skills in controlling the vehicle under difficult conditions. We can also tailor specific training for evasive and personal protection drivers.
Drug / Gang Awareness
Our staff of instructors is actual law enforcement officers working in the field with gang and drug expertise. We can familiarize your staff about the objective signs of alcohol/drug use, the effects on performance, safety concerns, productivity issues, and crime occurrences, and loss potential to your business.
What is a gang? Are there gang issues in your area? What specific is a gang-related crime and is it possible to visually identify a true gang member? Our experts can answer these and all other questions. We will develop training specific to your area and needs with the goal of protecting your staff, visitors, and facility.
Internet Protection at Home and Work
Our training can expand Internet safety awareness beyond your home or workplace by bringing employees, families, community leaders, and others together to expand knowledge and identify web-based predators. Our goal is to protect the online experience and make the Internet a safer place to visit.
Business Services Courses
Fire Prevention
Our staff includes retired and active duty firefighters and inspectors. We can assess your facility, make recommendations for state and local compliance and work with insurance companies to minimize risk potential.
Business Security
Is your workplace a safe environment for your employees and visitors? Have all buildings been inspected for potential dangers? Can you control entry and exit from the facility? Do you know who is on your campus? We can perform a safety audit and make recommendations to improve existing security conditions and training of your staff. Our goal is to reduce risk and improve loss prevention.
Criminal Investigations
Our cadre of officers, inspectors, and detectives are current professionals in the law enforcement field. We will tailor a training specific to you or your security teams needs. Training could include investigation techniques, evidence collection, current law issues, interviewing skills, and report writing. The skills could also include testifying in court, legal proceedings, and coordination with law enforcement agencies
First Aid – CPR
We provide certified instructors to teach the 24-hour first aid/CPR course recognized by the American Heart Association. We can also tailor 8-hour CPR specific courses or develop training that is consistent with your needs.
Workplace Violence Prevention
Are you prepared for a violence issue at your facility? Our goal is to work with your staff to prevent occurrences involving violence and respond accordingly. Our assessment includes how to minimize the incident, recovery, counseling, and coordination with responding agencies. We can also deliver specialized training in defusing hostile situations for your staff and first responders.
Cultural Diversity
In a multi-cultural environment, we can provide professional trainers to assist your staff and human resource personnel in providing basic diversity training. Our experts continually teach diversity programs at our Academy in the college atmosphere expanding knowledge in cultural issues involving language, traditions, and morality. Training can be tailored to fit within your existing program or expanded based on needs.
Crisis Intervention
Your employees, who face a crisis or an emergency, and those who become involved, can experience a range of physical and psychological symptoms and act out accordingly. Crisis incidents will cause changes in peoples routines and relationships. Some problems represent an emergency and require immediate intervention and stabilization. Are you prepared to act? Our trainers can provide guidance and assistance to reduce the negative impact and results in a crisis situation.
Crisis Incident Techniques and Debriefing Issues
Once a critical incident occurs are you prepared to deal with the aftermath? Employee concerns and needs, business stoppage, media and visitor impacts at the workplace will be a part of any major event. Our trainers can provide your staff with the tools to deal with the repercussion of a tragic event and how to debrief those involved, provide needed counseling services, manage media relations and assist in returning your business to a pre-event condition.
Corporate Services
- Training Needs Assessment
- Curriculum Development
- Executive Protection
- Video / Photographic Support